
Market sizing you can trust

Anaeo's service brings together our robust methodology and top-tier consultants to deliver reliable and actionable market sizes at a fraction of the cost of Big Consulting firms.

Discerning clients trust us to provide detailed market sizing models for use cases ranging from new product launches and startup investments to acquisitions and IPOs.

Our consultants are alumni from:

Level up your market sizing


Stop using generic numbers

It’s easy to get a number from online sources but it’s hard to know what it’s measuring. With Anaeo, your market size is built just for you from first principles for your specific needs.


See the approach and calculations

Online sources and consulting firms rarely show the working or share the approach, so are of limited use. With Anaeo, our consistent approach shows all the working so you can drill down into the drivers of your market.


Get a genuine third party opinion

Industry sources and consulting firms can have perverse incentives that can bring bias into their work. With Anaeo, you get an independent opinion on the market size from a genuine third party and transparent approach.

“Anaeo provided an extremely detailed and well-sourced market size we could use to make business decisions straight away” - Estelle Ayer, Conde Nast

Our simple approach

Step 1:

We define the market and your requirements

We work together to accurately define the market and understand your specific requirements so that we can build a fit-for-purpose market sizing model. We’ll then send you a proposal with a fixed price and sign a statement of work so we can get to work.

Step 2:

Anaeo designs the approach and sizes the market

We assign an experienced consultant to your project from our panel of experts. Our consultant will design an approach from first principles, collect data from diverse and novel sources and then build a fit-for-purpose market sizing model custom for your needs.

Step 3:

Anaeo shares the results and detailed workings

We assign an experienced consultant to your project from our panel of experts. Our consultant will design an approach from first principles, collect data from diverse and novel sources and then build a fit-for-purpose market sizing model custom for your needs.

Market matters most

“I’ll assert that market is the most important factor in success or failure.” - Marc Andreessen.

Corporations, venture capitalists, PE firms, investment banks and yes, consulting firms, trust our market sizing services for everything from new product launches to investments, acquisitions and IPOs.

Here are examples of markets we’ve sized recently:

  1. Beauty and Personal Care - United Kingdom

  2. Vitamins and Mineral Supplements - Australia

  3. Global Cloud Accounting Software Market

  4. Global Digital Mental Health Market

  5. Global Trade Publications

“The service was fast and reliable with the detail I needed to act. All at a price point that makes it a no-brainer. Exactly what I needed.” - Angad Soin, Xero

Frequently asked questions

We're no mind-readers, but we figure you have a few questions. Do your proper vetting with a scroll through our FAQ:

Should I just do it myself? There are lots of benefits to the DIY path. You’ll understand the market at a fundamental level. If you have the time you should do it. But consider using our service if you have time constraints or value a third party opinion.

Should I hire a large consulting firm? You sure can. They will be able to provide this service and do a good job. However to make it worth it they’ll need to charge $100,000-200,000+. Because of our model we can deliver equal or better quality at a fraction of that cost.

Who will do my market sizing? We work with a highly-vetted panel of consultants who are alumni of top-tier consulting firms. Everyone on our panel has a minimum 15-years experience in management consulting and we draw from a deep pool of industry experts.

How much does it cost? As we serve a diverse client base with different needs, our fees depend on your requirements and the scope. We’re normally 4x to 5x cheaper than big consulting firms.

What’s the turnaround time? That depends on your requirements and the scope. The typical project takes around two weeks from sign-off to delivery. However we’re all ex-consultants so we get how the industry works, and tighter timelines are always possible.

Ready to kick off?

Share your details and let us know a little about your requirements, and we’ll get in touch to develop a proposal based on your needs.

A note from our founder

Most market sizes you’ll find online are out-of-date, inaccurate or unreliable because you don’t know when it was estimated, what’s included or how it was calculated.While it’s easier than ever to find a number, it’s harder than ever to trust it or even know what it’s measuring. There's also not enough detail to be useful beyond a high-level number.When you need a market size, you only have three options:

  1. See what you find on Google (see problems above)

  2. Buy an expensive, but low-quality, pre-made report

  3. Pay through the nose for Big Consulting to do it

That’s why we started Anaeo - to provide detailed and actionable market sizes, but at a reasonable price point.In the last 15 years we’ve helped over 50 clients (like you) get the information they need to make informed market-based decisions. I’d love to work with you too.Mark Snape
Founder, Anaeo
[email protected]

Copyright © Anaeo Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.


Frequently asked questions

We're no mind-readers, but we figure you have a few questions. Do your proper vetting with a scroll through our FAQ:

Should I just do it myself? There are lots of benefits to the DIY path. You’ll understand the market at a fundamental level. If you have the time you should do it. But consider using our service if you have time constraints or value a third party opinion.

Should I hire a large consulting firm? You sure can. They will be able to provide this service and do a good job. However to make it worth it they’ll need to charge $100,000-200,000+. Because of our model we can deliver equal or better quality at a fraction of that cost.

Who will do my market sizing? We work with a highly-vetted panel of consultants who are alumni of top-tier consulting firms. Everyone on our panel has a minimum 15-years experience in management consulting and we draw from a deep pool of industry experts.

How much does it cost? As we serve a diverse client base with different needs, our fees depend on your requirements and the scope. We’re normally 4x to 5x cheaper than big consulting firms.

What’s the turnaround time? That depends on your requirements and the scope. The typical project takes around two weeks from sign-off to delivery. However we’re all ex-consultants so we get how the industry works, and tighter timelines are always possible.

Copyright © Anaeo Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.